Frequently Asked Questions
Q. My dogs are much too smart to
fall for this stuff... right?
Q. Does NESTT work with bomb sniffing
machines as well as bomb-sniffing dogs?
Q. There are so many different explosives,
how can dogs detect them all?
Q. Is using NESTT cheaper than using the real thing, or
more expensive?
A. XM-NESTT is not a trick. These are actual explosive materials
that have been rendered non-explosive. Our process keeps the molecules so
far apart that they can't cause an explosive chain reaction.
A. Although the cost-per-pound may be higher, there are
enormous savings in storage, handling, transport and regulatory paperwork.NESTT
avoids the biggest cost of using live explosives -- the need to limit access
to the public facilities where these hazardous materials are being used.
A. Sure, in fact the machines themselves can be calibrated
with NESTT
A. Explosive molecules contain only a handful of oxidizing
groups. Moreover, these molecules are unstable and decompose continually
into volatile products. Canines appear to be reacting to oxidizing groups
on the molecules or the decomposition products. Since both types are limited
in number and common to most explosive formulations canines reliably detect
all of these different explosive formulations.